Vesti bune pentru gameri care doresc sa aiba in acelasi timp si o distributie linux stabila, a aparut Ultimate Edition 2.8. Asa cum bine stim are la baza Ubuntu si incearca oarecum sa rivalizeze Games Spin-ul celor de la Fedora.
Cu cateva detalii despre noua versiune vine Glenn Cady: “Ultimate Edition 2.8 was built off Ubuntu 10.10. All packages upgraded. The software you have come to love with previous editions of Ultimate Edition have been also pre-installed along with 12 new ones. At time of build Cinelerra and Wine-Doors were broken and did not make the cut. I also want to apologise for the delay and at the same time thank my admin for the delay of the Ultimate Edition 2.8 s release. Many issues have been squashed in 2.8 because of the delay. Cowboy’s handiwork at the theme has won the poll and will be deemed ‘Cowboy Blue’. Don’t like the blue theme? There are 107 themes to choose from, it does not have to be dark. I have included a now enhanced, color and font selectable Conky script I wrote that will generate as per computer.”
Pentru aceeia dintre voi ce aveau impresia ca gaming-ul este limitat doar la windows va inselati si va sugerez sa faceti un test al distributiei, prin obtinerea imaginii sistemului de operare de aici. Spor sa aveti !