Thunderbird: mai multa securitate mai putina inovatie

Din ciclul lucrurilor pe care nu trebuie sa le faci daca esti o organizatie recunoscuta la nivel mondial ca si promotor al libertatii, va aduc cu mare neplacere in prim plan dorinta celor de la Mozilla de a reduce ritmul implemtentare a functiilor noi pentru Mozilla Thunderbird, clientul lor de posta electronica care rivalizeaza in mod direct Outlook Express de ceva timp.

Aceasta schimbare trebuia sa fie adusa la cunostiinta utilizatorilor abia luni, speculez eu printr-un articol in blogul Mozilla, dar se pare ca anumite persoane din cadrul Mozillians nu au fost de acord cu decizia adoptata de Mozilla si a dat pe “teava” tot mesajul primit desi acesta era clasificat ca si confidential… pam-pam. Intrebarile de genul “de ce?” , “cum?” sau “cand?” pot fi usor intelese din mesajul confidential pe care il voi reda in cele ce urmeaza:

Hello Mozillians:
On Monday Mitchell Baker will be posting on the future of Thunderbird.

We’d like you to be aware of it before it goes public. However, this is *confidential* until the post is pushed live Monday afternoon PDT. Please don’t tweet, blog or discuss on public mailing lists before then.
In summary, we’ve been focusing efforts towards important web and mobile projects, such as B2G, while Thunderbird remains a pure desktop-only email client. We have come to the conclusion that continued innovation on Thunderbird is not the best use of our resources given our ambitious organizational goals. The most critical needs for the product are on-going security and stability for our 20+ million users.
However, Thunderbird is one of the very few truly free and open source multi-platform email applications available today and we want to defend these values. We’re not “stopping” Thunderbird, but proposing we adapt the Thunderbird release and governance model in a way that allows both ongoing security and stability maintenance, as well as community-driven innovation and development for the product. This will mean an eventual shift in how we staff Thunderbird at Mozilla Corporation – we are still working out details, but some people will likely end up on other Mozilla projects.
We are going to open this plan for public discussion to individuals and organizations interested in maintaining and advancing Thunderbird in the future on Monday. We are looking for your feedback, comments and suggestions to refine and adapt the plan in the best possible way throughout the summer so we can share a final plan of action in early September 2012.
If you have any questions prior to Monday please reach out to me [] or Mitchell []. Again, this information is for Mozillians-only until Mitchell’s post goes live.


Jb Piacentino
Thunderbird Managing Director

Additional information:
New release and governance model for Thunderbird will be available here concurrently to Mitchell’s post:

Info on Modules and Thunderbird owners:

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Multumesc pe aceasta cale Techcrunch pentru faptul ca a prezentat mesajul integral din cadrul Mozillians, pe care si eu la randul meu vi l-am adus la cunostiinta prin intermediul acestui articol. Curios totusi… oare unde isi va mai da Mozilla cu stangu` in dreptu` ?

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