PC-BSD 8.2

Lumea distributiilor unix s-a imbogatit incepand de astazi cu o noua versiune a PC-BSD si anume 8.2. Asa cum bine stiti aceasta distributie unix se adreseaza mai mult incepatorilor, avand o baza solida in distributia unix FreeBSD 8.2. Conform celor zise de Kris Moore, PC-BSD 8.2 aduce cu el urmatoarele noutati: “The PC-BSD team is pleased to announce the availability of PC-BSD 8.2 (Hubble edition), running FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE, and KDE 4.5.5. Version 8.2 contains a number of enhancements and improvements, some of the notable changes are: added ability to select file-system type and encryption during auto-partitioning; able to toggle between MBR/GPT partitioning; arious bug fixes to the wireless network managers; updated the display wizard with many new supported resolutions; added ‘extractonly’ option to pc-sysinstall for installing to a pre-mounted disk; fixed some disk install errors from loading incorrect geom_ modules….” Mai multe detalii despre aceasta versiune aveti aici.
Personal nu am apucat sa testez distributia, dar in curand o voi face. Pana atunci nu-mi ramane decat sa va recomand sa o incercati, fie live fie printr-o instalare ca si sistem de operare, folosind imaginea sistemului de operare obtinuta din cadrul acestui link.

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