Inca de la prima prezentare a distributiei Linux Mint, am spus ca se aseamana cu Ubuntu doar ca si “fundatie” in rest echipa de dezvoltatori au creat un produs destul de bine definit in cadrul comunitatii open-source. Astazi am putut descoperii cu bucurie pe Distrowatch un articol un care era prezentat Linux Mint Debian.
“Today is very important for Linux Mint. It’s one day to remember in the history of our project as we’re about to maintain a new distribution, a rolling one, which promises to be faster, more responsive and with which we’re less reliable on upstream components. Linux Mint Debian edition (LMDE) comes with a Debian base, which we transformed into a live media and on top of which we added a new installer. It’s rougher and in some aspects not as user-friendly as our other editions, it’s very young but it will improve continuously and rapidly.”
Pentru mai multe detalii link-ul catre blogul distributiei linux va sta la dispozitie aici. Avand in vedere ca este prima distributie Mint bazata pe Debian, unele bug-uri pot exista. Link de download aveti aici. Spor la download si instalat, ca de obicei feedback-ul este util, asa ca nu ezitati sa il lasati pe forumul distributiei Linux Mint.