Parsix GNU/Linux 3.6

Mai de mult va prezentam o distributie linux bazata pe Debian testing(pe langa Sidux) si anume Parsix. Din pura curiozitate am decis sa o testez sub virtual box si am fost impresionat de ea, chiar daca nu sunt eu fan Gnome, incadrandu-se perfect la capitolul distributie linux pentru incepatori. Cu mare mare bucurie va aduc la cunostiinta faptul ca a aparut o noua versiune a acestei distributii linux, Parsix GNU/Linux 3.6.
Alan Baghumian: “We are proud to announce that the final version of Parsix GNU/Linux 3.6 ‘Vinnie’ is available now. Parsix ‘Vinnie’ package repositories are synchronized with Debian testing repositories as of July 1, 2010 and for the first time we are offering our own multimedia repository called ‘Wonderland’ which is a snapshot of Debian Multimedia repository. The updated Linux kernel with improved configuration is patched using the latest TuxOnIce suspension and hibernation, and Kon Kolivas’s BFS patches. Improved live boot system loads the system faster and this version also ships our experimental USB installer that enables users to run Parsix from USB keys.”
Daca nu ati incercat aceasta distributie linux sau daca doriti sa faceti un upgrade, link-ul de download va sta la dispozitie. Bafta maxima ! :)

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