GParted Live 0.8.0-5

GParted Live, utilitar gratuit de administrare a partitiilor, versiunea 0.8.0-5 este acum disponibil. Steven Shiau despre noua versiune: “This is GParted Live 0.8.0-5. New in this release: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian ‘Sid’ repository (as of 2011-03-21); the Linux kernel has been updated to 2.6.38; package OpenSSH was added in this release, by default the SSH service is not started, and if you want to start it, make sure you have change the password and the file /etc/hosts.deny; bug fixed – a workaround was added to make setxkbmap work.”
Pentru aceeia dintre voi interesati de aceasta noua versiune, o puteti descarca din cadrul acestei pagini. Avand in vedere ca este vorba de un program de administrare a partitiilor va recomand sa cititi si documentatia disponibila pe site chiar si in limba romana daca nu stapaniti limba engleza, mai ales daca sunteti incepatori. Utilizare placuta !

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