Aptosid a.k.a sidux reincarnat

Clipele de tristete pentru fanii sidux au disparut, deoarece distributia lor preferata a suferit o mica schimbare, si aici nu vorbesc de una de dezvoltare ci mai degraba o schimbare de nume, din sidux devenind aptosid. Un nume destul de… unic zic eu, acum fiecare dintre voi isi poate lasa imaginatia sa “zboare” si sa asocieze acest nume cu orice lucru :D .
O data cu schimbarea de nume dezvoltatorii doresc sa inlature orice “urma” reprezentata de sidux planificand chiar si o urmatoare versiune a distributiei linux aptosid:
Today aptosid opens its gates to continue the distribution previously known as “sidux”, created by the same team of volunteers developing software under the Debian Free Software Guidelines. A seamless crossgrade path from sidux to aptosid will be provided until the end of 2010. However a quick change is suggested because of potential issues outside of our influence.
Aptosid is a full featured Debian sid based live CD with a special focus on hard disk installations, a clean upgrade path within sid and additional hardware and software support. The ISO is completely based on the free main component of Debian sid, enriched and stabilised with aptosid’s own packages and scripts.
Aptosid 2010-02 “Κῆρες”, based on Debian sid, kernel 2.6.35 and KDE 4.4.5 will be released shortly.

Ca si distributie si-a mentinut aceleasi caracteristici: nu este la fel de usoara ca distributiile ce au ca tinta incepatorii dar are un manual de folosire destul de dezvoltat care va poate ajuta. Site-ul distributiei este acesta http://www.aptosid.com/.

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