Sabayon Linux

Oare este la moda ca orice distributie linux dedicata cu precadere avansatilor sa lanseze si versiuni adresate incepatorilor? Poate ca… poate ca nu… oricum pentru incepatori este un prim pas catre distributiile linux mai avansate. Astazi va aduc la cunostiinta distributia linux Sabayon Linux.
Ce este Sabayon Linux?
SabayonLinux is based on the source-based distro named Gentoo – Gentoo is a highly customizable distro which we have used as our base and using their excellent development techniques, we have created a pre-configured distribution with the tenets of Performance, Versatility, and Stability.
Cerinte de sistem:
* Live Environment – No 3D Desktop:
o i586 Processor (starting from AMD K5 and Intel Pentium)
o at least 512MB of RAM (1GB suggested)
o a 2D graphics card
o a DDC capable Monitor
o mouse and keyboard

* Live Environment – 3D Desktop:
o i686 Processor (starting from AMD K6 and Intel Pentium II)
o at least 512MB of RAM (1GB suggested)
o an OpenGL capable 3D graphics card (mostly NVIDIA, ATI, Intel, VIA)
o a DDC capable Monitor
o mouse and keyboard

* Installation:
o i586 Processor (see above)
o at least 512MB of RAM (1GB suggested for decent eyecandy effects)
o an OpenGL capable 3D graphics card (mostly NVIDIA, ATI, Intel, VIA)
o 20GB of free space, that is bare minimum DVD Install. 30+ Gig is recommended
o 7GB of free space for miniCD. 10+ Gig is recommended
o Internet connection (not mandatory but highly suggested)
o a DDC capable Monitor
o mouse and keyboard

Din punctul meu de vedere cerintele sunt destul de accesibile si acelor cu PC-uri mai slabe ca si configuratie. Pentru mai multe informatii wiki-ul distributiei va sta la dispozitie. Tot ce va mai ramane este sa va apucati sa testati aceasta distributie linux pentru a vedea daca va convine ceea ce va ofera.
Cea mai noua versiune a distributiei Sabayon Linux este 5.3, ce poate fi descarcata prin intermediul acestei adrese. Fabio Erculiani despre noua versiune:
“The best, refined blend of GNU/Linux, coming with bleeding edge edges is eventually here – say hello to Sabayon 5.3, available in both GNOME and KDE editions. Features: based on the new GCC 4.4 and glibc 2.10; shipped with a desktop-optimized Linux kernel 2.6.34; provides extra server-optimized and OpenVZ-enabled kernels in repositories; installable in 10 minutes; fast boot time and lightweight default system; official Btrfs file system support; features X.Org 7.5 and up-to-date open-source, NVIDIA, AMD video drivers; contains GNOME 2.28 (with GNOME Shell) and KDE 4.4.3….”.
Momentan in Romania nu exista o comunitate dedicata dar daca aveti probleme cu siguranta comunitatea Gentoo Romania va poate oferii o mana de ajutor.

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