Vizitand pagina de internet Distrowatch am sesizat un nume de distributie care mi-a atras atentia. Initial m-am gandit la familia de distributii unix BSD. Distributiile unix din familia BSD(cel putin cele cunoscute de mine) sunt adresate mai mult avansatilor avand ca tinta directa instalarea pe servere de lucru. Instalarea se face numai prin mod text, si permite alegerea pachetelor ce se doresc a fi instalate.
In schimb accesand pagina principala distributiei unix PC-BSD am putut observa ca aceasta se adreseaza mai mult pentru desktop si se axeaza pe usurinta de instalare si exploatare, pastrand in acelasi timp stabilitatea oferita de FreeBSD(distributie pe care se bazeaza PC-BSD). In alta ordine de idei vorbim despre o distributie BSD ce are drept tinta incepatorii. Ca distributie unix destinata incepatorilor are un ghid de instalare destul de detaliat care explica de asemenea diferentele dintre PC-BSD, FreeBSD si Windows. De asemenea si wiki-ul distributiei este destul de bine structurat astfel ca nu va ramane decat sa cititi si sa incercati sa intelegeti ce ofera aceasta distributie unix. Link de download aveti aici.
PC-BSD Showcase:
Simplicity, Security, Speed – Your desktop is ready!
PC-BSD is a complete desktop operating system, which has been designed with the “casual” computer user in mind. It offers the stability and security that only a BSD-based operating system can bring, while at the same time providing a comfortable user experience, allowing you to get the most out of your computing time. With PC-BSD you can spend less time working to fix viruses or spyware and instead have the computer work for you.
Installing the system is simply a matter of a few clicks and a few minutes for the installation process to finish. Hardware such as video, sound, network and other devices will be auto-detected and available at the first system startup. Home users will immediately feel comfortable with PC-BSD’s desktop interface, with KDE 4.x running under the hood. Software installation has also been designed to be as painless as possible, simply double-click and software will be installed.
* Fully functional desktop operating system, running FreeBSD 8.x® under the hood.
* Optional 3D desktop effects and acceleration
* Graphical system installer, makes the system installation process effortless.
* Support for many native languages.
* Stability & Performance that only UNIX offers.
* Safe from Viruses and Spy-ware that plague other systems.
* Self-Installing software packages, makes loading programs a snap!
* Graphical tools for system administration and support.
* Professional E-mail and Phone Support from iXsystems available.
* Friendly and helpful support community.
* Online Update Manager – Downloads and installs updates for your operating system, without touching your installed programs.