Parted Magic 2012_3_24

Cu o mare placere va anunt ca a fost lansata o noua versiune a Parted Magic, unealta de administrare a discurilor dure si nu numai. Versiunea 2012_3_24 rezolva unele defecte dar aduce si imbunatatiri dupa cum afirma Patrick Verner: “Parted Magic 2012_3_24. This version fixes more issues related to BusyBox/Clonezilla interaction and updates a mess of X.Org drivers. The BusyBox applets stat and ls no longer worked with Clonzilla. If you find any more issues, let me know. X.Org drivers Nouveau-git, xf86-input-keyboard 1.6.1, xf86-video-openchrome 0.2.905, xf86-video-wsfb 0.4.0… were updated. Programs bar 1.11.1 and md5deep 4.1 were added. Improvements were made to pmagic_shred_zero, pmagic_wipe, pmagic_wipe_part and pmagic_erase. The other noticeable upgrades are Linux kernel 3.2.13, Firefox 11.0, nwipe 0.08, and e2fsprogs 1.42.1. LVM partitions now mount correctly when using Mount Partitions.”

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