
Duelul dintre mediile de lucru KDE si Gnome ne mai arata astazi inca o fata: integrarea programelor sociale in special cele de cloud computing. Asa cum bine stim la ora actuala avem Ubuntu One, Google Docs sau Dropbox, dar se pare ca de aceasta data dezvoltatorii KDE s-au gandit sa incorporeze si ei un astfel de serviciu mediului lor de lucru.

Ce este OwnCloud?
ownCloud is a central place where you can store your files and documents. You don´t have to upload your personal data to central closed services like Google Docs, Dropbox or Ubuntu One. All the data is under your own control. You can access your files via WebDAV from Linux, Mac and Windows Desktops without a special client because WebDAV support is build into all modern operation systems and distributions. On Linux you can use the KDE KIO-Slaves or mount it via FUSE into your home directory. If you can´t use WebDAV for example on your smart phone you can use the webinterface to access your files. The data transfer is encrypted if your web-server supports SSL and ownCloud has no problems with firewalls and proxy servers. ownCloud support the Open Collaboration Services API so your ownCloud can push notification to your KDE Desktop if something interesting happens, like your storage is full or somebody is accessing a shared file of you. Mai multe detalii despre acest program aveti aici

Cea mai recenta versiune este 1.1. Detalii despre versiunea curenta aveti in cadrul acestei pagini si cateva idei pentru versiunea viitoare le gasiti daca accesati acest link. Daca sunteti un fan al tot ceea ce este cloud computing-ul atunci puteti sa obtineti o copie a programului de aici.

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