Fedora 13

Conform Comunitatii Feroda din Romania, se pare ca versiunea Fedora 13 este deja disponibila pentru download, prin intermediul protocolului BitTorrent. Iata si trei link-uri de download: link1(a.k.a. DVD-ul i386), link2(a.k.a live CD) si link3(a.k.a. DVD-ul pentru x86_64).
Ce aduce nou Fedora 13:
The following are major features for Fedora 13:
*Automatic print driver installation
*Automatic language pack installation
*Redesigned user account tool
*Color management to calibrate monitors and scanners
*Experimental 3D support for NVIDIA video cards
Some other features in this release include:
*A new way to install Fedora over the Internet
*SSSD authentication for users
*Updates to NFS
*Zarafa Open Source edition, a new open-source groupware suite
*System rollback for the Btrfs file system
*Better SystemTap probes
*A Python 3 stack that can be installed parallel to an existing Python stack
*Support for the entire Java EE 6 spec in Netbeans 6.8

Acestea fiind zise nu-mi ramane decat sa va urez spor la download si desigur mult succes la instalarea distributiei linux.

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