Mica, mica dar se ridica, spune o vorba din batrani. Acelasi lucru se poate spune si despre Chakra GNU/Linux 0.3.0, distributie bazata pe Arch-Linux, adresata incepatorilor. Personal abia astept sa testez aceasta noua versiune sub virtual box.
Ce aduce nou Chakra GNU/Linux 0.3.0?
Phil Miller: “This release features the brand new KDE SC 4.5.4 plus the option to install our popular Click’n’Run applications through ‘tribe’. We updated all our tools and fixed lots of bugs you and we found. Tribe can now create more than one user account again. This time you can add your personal avatar to each account. For the first time you can customize your installation. We added two lists of our popular packages and bundles to choose from. Tribe got translated to Catalan, German, Italian and Spanish. Good news about CCR, our community repository: you can find now over 378 packages added by our users.”… v-am spus ca se ridica, eu unul sper sa devina la fel de competitiva ca si distributiile linux existente.
Daca va place acest sistem de operare sau pur si simplu doriti sa faceti un test, puteti obtine o copie a distributiei de aici. Spor va doresc ! :D