Craciun Fericit !

In primul rand tin sa anunt ca nu sunt nebun pentru ca scriu acest articol tocmai in ziua de Craciun, pur si simplu am o mica fereastra care imi permite sa fac asta. Inainte de a prezenta doua distributii linux aparute in ajun de Craciun doresc Sarbatori Fericite tuturor cititorilor mei, multa sanatate precum si indeplinirea tuturor dorintelor.

Distributiile linux care au luminat sarbatorile utilizatorilor sunt Mandriva Linux 2010.2 si Linux Mint 201012 “Debian”.
Mandriva Linux 2010.2, cuvant inainte privind aceasta versiune de Eugeni Dodonov: “Welcome the Mandriva 2010.2 release which is coming to a mirror nearby you right now. As announced previously, Mandriva 2010.2 is an incremental update on top of Mandriva 2010.1, incorporating all the security and bug-fix updates since its release. Just to give you some statistics about what changes in 2010.2 when comparing to 2010.1, these are some of the numbers. Since the 2010.1 release, the security team has released a total of 5,055 RPMs via official updates, counting both security and bug-fix advisories, across 272 different packages. With such a big number of updated packages, we decided to release an updated version incorporating these packages.” Pentru fanii distributiei linkul de download va sta la dispozitie.
Linux Mint 201012 “Debian”, a doua versiune a distributiei ce are la baza Debian Testing, cuvant inainte de Clement Lefebvre: “What a better time than Christmas to bring all the best from 2010 into an updated release of Linux Mint ‘Debian’. All Mint 10 features; 64-bit support; performance boost (using cgroup, the notorious ‘4 lines of code better than 200’ in user-space); installer improvements (multiple HDDs, GRUB install on partitions, swap allocation, Btrfs support); better fonts (using Ubuntu’s libcairo, fontconfig and Ubuntu Font Family) and language support; better connectivity and hardware support; better sound support (addressing conflicts between Pulse Audio and Flash); updated software and packages.” Asa cum ne-am obisnuit Clement a publicat in blogul distributiei multe detalii utile pe care va invit sa le cititi. Pentru a obtine o copie a sistemului de operare accesati acest link.
Indiferent de distributia linux aleasa eu va doresc spor la upgrade sau instalare ! :)

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