Parted Magic 5.8

Vesti bune are anul ce tocmai a inceput pentru utilizatorii unui bun program de management pentru calculator: a aparut Parted Magic 5.8 !
Patrick Verner, despre noua versiune: “After several months of work, a new version is ready for release. Many bugs have been fixed and many core programs have been updated. You will notice the Linux 2.6.36 kernel and the newest version of the Gnome Partition Editor (GParted). There is also a mess of new stuff as well. Parted Magic now includes the SciTE text editor. For the first time the ISO image can be fully loaded into RAM and booted. This means, for example, that the default syslinux menu can be used for a PXE boot. The following programs have been updated: Clonezilla 1.2.6-40, Linux kernel, BusyBox 1.17.4, SimpleBurn 1.6.0, ClamAV 0.96.5, e2fsprogs 1.41.14, GParted 0.7.1.” O lista cu schimbari specifice versiunii o aveti si aici. Pentru a obtine o copie a programului nu trebuie decat sa dati click pe acest link, asteptati ca imaginea sa se descarce si apoi o scrieti pe un cd. Bootare placuta ! :)

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