Chakra GNU/Linux 2011.12

Ho… ho… ho… “Mos” Chakra va incanta pe voi fanii distributiei linux Arch, cu prea putina dorinta de aventura prin CLI, cu o noua versiune in aceasta perioada a anului, anume versiunea 2011.12 a distributiei Chakra GNU/Linux. Cu ce ne incanta “Mos” Chakra aflam de la Phil Miller: “The Chakra development team is proud to announce the third and final release of ‘Edn’, Chakra GNU/Linux featuring Linux 3.1 and KDE 4.7. Edn has followed the KDE 4.7 releases, and with KDE 4.8 a new name will be used. With this release KDE is updated to 4.7.4, kernel to Linux 3.1.4. The sound group has been rebuild/updated, latest network management and Mesa stack are also included. With this release we offer: KDE 4.7.4 Linux kernel 3.1.4 ( optional); updated sound-stack; DVD image, including all locales and a nice selection of applications; tomoyo-tools 2.5 added to a default install, for more security options; wqy-microhei became the new default font for Chinese, Japanese and Korean; QtWebkit 2.2….” Pentru mai multe detalii despre schimbari va sugerez sa accesati aceasta pagina. Pentru a obtine o copie a sistemului de operare aveti la dispozitie pagina de download care ofera imagini ISO atat pentru ahitectura pe 32 de biti cat si pentru arhitectura pe 64 de biti.

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