Xonotic 0.1

Vesti bune pentru fanii Xonotic: fosta echipa care a parasit proiectul Nexuiz, a reusit sa lanseze prima versiune a jocului si anume Xonotic 0.1.
Today is an exciting day for us, as we are proud to bring you the first preview of Xonotic! There is a lot to tell, but since this release has already grown to a whopping 1.3GB – we will provide you with a download link right away. Please continue reading while it downloads. The last release of Nexuiz (2.5.2) was on the first of October 2009, and when we decided to fork early March 2010 we continued where we had left off with Nexuiz. Large parts of the code, graphics and music have been redone and have improved immensely. In over a year we have managed to make huge progress on pretty much every part of the game. However this release is still a preview, which means that bugs are likely to exist and that some of our decisions turn out to have unwanted side effects. This first preview also still has a limited number of maps, but we do have many maps being worked on for future releases! In the next sections we will explain what new features are available and the main things that have changed from Nexuiz. Mai multe detalii despre aceasta versiune si despre cat de mult se deosebeste de Nexuiz, puteti afla din cadrul acestui articol.
Daca cititul va plictiseste atunci va puteti multumi cu ceea ce va ofer eu aici si puteti alege una dintre metodele de download ale jocului, dupa cum urmeaza:
1. cu ajutorul unui client de tip torrent
2. sau direct de la aceasta adresa
Spor la download si instalare, dar si un joc cat mai placut va doresc ! :D

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