Unelte de partitionare – Parted Magic si Gparted

Primul pas spre instalarea unei distributii linux este realizat prin partitionarea hard disk-ului. De cele mai multe ori acest lucru este realizat de mediul optic de pe care este instalata distributia linux. Dar totusi ce facem atunci cand dorim sa avem un sistem dual boot? Sau in cazuri si mai speciale ce facem daca suspectam ca hard disk-urile ar avea probleme?

Ce este un sistem multi-boot(cazul popular fiind dual-boot)?
Multi-boot or Multi-booting is the act of installing multiple operating systems on a computer, and being able to choose which one to boot when switching on the computer power. The term dual-booting refers to the common configuration of exactly two operating systems. Multi-booting requires a program called a boot loader. Wikipedia Unelte de partitionare exista si in windows, dar avand in vedere ca acesta este un blog dedicat incepatorilor in distributii linux eu ma voi opri asupra unui program destul de interesant zic eu, si anume Parted Magic.

Ce este Parted Magic?
The Parted Magic OS employs core programs of GParted and Parted to handle partitioning tasks with ease, while featuring other useful programs (e.g. Clonezilla, Partimage, TestDisk, Truecrypt, G4L, SuperGrubDisk, ddrescue, etc…) and an excellent set of documentation to benefit the user. An extensive collection of file system tools are also included, as Parted Magic supports the following: ext2, ext3, ext4, fat16, fat32, hfs, hfs+, jfs, linux-swap, ntfs, reiserfs, reiser4, and xfs.
Parted Magic requires at least a i586 processor and 256MB of RAM to operate or 128MB in “Live” mode.

Ce ofera aceasta unealta?
* Format internal and external hard drives.
* Move, copy, create, delete, expand & shrink hard drive partitions.
* Clone your hard drive, to create a full backup.
* Test hard drives for impending failure.
* Test memory for bad sectors.
* Benchmark your computer for a performace rating.
* Securely erase your entire hard drive, wiping it clean from all data.
* Gives access to non-booting systems allowing you to rescue important data.
* Runs from the CD, no install required.

Pe langa toate acestea programul este insotit si de documentatia necesara pentru a folosi Parted Magic. De asemenea in cadrul acestei pagini puteti vizualiza si ce programe compun Parted Magic.
Ca alternativa in cadrul distributiei linux instalate, folosind un manager de pachete se poate instala GParted un program care se ocupa de managementul partitiilor avand mai putine optiuni decat Parted Magic, fiind bazat pe GNU Parted

Ce este GNU Parted?
GNU Parted is a free partition editor, used for creating, destroying, resizing, checking, and copying partitions, and the file systems on them. This is useful for creating space for new operating systems, reorganising hard disk usage, copying data between hard disks, and disk imaging. It was written by Andrew Clausen and Lennert Buytenhek. It consists of a library, libparted, and a command-line front-end, parted, that also serves as a reference implementation. Currently GNU Parted runs only under Linux, FreeBSD and BeOS. Wikipedia
La prima vedere lucrul cu aceste programe poate parea dificil, dar daca aveti rabdare in a citi documentatia acestor programe va asigur ca veti putea sa va administrati hard disk-urile fara batai de cap si fara sa fie nevoie de vreun program de partitionare comercial.

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