Ultimate Edition 3.0

Daca acum ceva timp v-am prezentat versiunea dedicata mai ales gamerilor astazi echipa din spatele acestei distributii linux ne ofera si versiunea standart cu o gramada de programe preinstalate. Glenn Cady, despre aceasta noua versiune: Sorry for the great delay in release of Ultimate Edition 3.0. Ultimate Edition 3.0 is unlike any previous release. Ultimate Edition 3.0 was built from Linux Mint 11 ‘Katya’, which in itself was built from Ubuntu 11.04 ‘Natty Narwhal’. I hope I did not lose anyone there. A slew of issues have been resolved. I have dubbed this release ‘ULTAMINT’. It is a real piece of eye-candy and it has a comprehensive software package. I have included repositories from GetDeb, Ubuntu and Linux Mint. If there is something missing you just can’t live without, just a few clicks of a mouse away. On behalf of the UE development team please enjoy Ultimate Edition 3.0. Pentru mai multe informatii despre elementele noi aduse de aceasta versiune va recomand sa accesati aceasta pagina. De asemenea in cadrul aceleasi pagini aveti si link de download cu imaginea ISO a distributiei linux.

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