Ubuntu 11.04

Ubuntu este una dintre cele mai populare distributii linux; astazi fanii ei vor fi placuti incantati de cea mai noua versiune, 11.04 cu numele de cod Natty Narwhal: “The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce Ubuntu 11.04, code-named ‘Natty Narwhal’. 11.04 continues Ubuntu’s proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. For PC users, Ubuntu 11.04 supports laptops, desktops and netbooks with a unified look and feel based on a new desktop shell called ‘Unity’. This version supersedes Ubuntu Netbook Edition for all PC netbooks. Developer reference images are provided for select Texas Instruments (TI) ARM platforms, specifically the ‘PandaBoard’ and ‘BeagleBoard’. Ubuntu Server 11.04 has made it easier to provision servers, and reduce power consumption.” Pentru mai multe detalii despre ce ofera aceasta noua versiune accesati acest link.
Asa cum bine stiti puteti obtine aceasta distributie si de pe meleagurile noastre folosind unul dintre mirror-urile urmatoare:
1. Roedu: http://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/mirrors/ubuntulinux.org/releases/11.04/
2. LUG: ftp://ftp.lug.ro/ubuntu-releases/11.04/
3. AStral: ftp://ftp.astral.ro/mirrors/ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/
Asa cum bine se stie Ubuntu are cateva derivate, care va ofera o alternativa in ceea ce priveste mediul de lucru; acestea sunt: Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Mythbuntu si desigur Xubuntu.
Download placut si utilizare indelungata sa aveti, folosind aceasta distributie linux sau unul dintre derivate ! :)

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