Vesti proaste pentru utilizatorii site-ului Wine AppDb si ai site-ului Bugzilla Wine: aceste doua site-uri a fost sparte de hackeri. Iata un fragment din mail-urile care mi-au sosit in inbox: We are sorry to report that recently our login database… was compromised. We know that the entire contents of the login database was stolen by hackers. The password was encrypted, but with enough effort and epending on the quality of your old password, it could be cracked. We have closed the hole in our system that allowed read access to our database tables. To prevent further damage we have reset your password to what is shown below. We strongly suggest that if you shared your … password on any other sites that you change that password as soon as possible. Astfel, daca aveti cont pentru AppDb si pentru Bugzilla este necesar sa va schimbati parola imediat dupa ce cititi mailurile din inbox pentru a evita problemele cu conturile voastre. Oare ce site mai urmeaza sa fie atacat?…