sidux 2010-01

O noua versiune a distributiei Sidux (Debian Sid) este acum disponibila pentru download; nume de cod ‘Hypnos’.
Iata ce aduce nou aceasta versiune de sidux:
“Now that KDE 4.4.4 and kernel 2.6.34 have entered the archive, we have the pleasure to announce the immediate availability of the final sidux 2010-01 ‘Hypnos’ release. While waiting for the availability of KDE 4.4.x, ‘Hypnos’ development concentrated on overhauling the early boot sequence for live and installed systems with regards to concurrent dependency-based booting and the integration of kernel 2.6.34. sidux now uses CONCURRENCY=makefile and continues to embrace GRUB 2 on the installed system, with isolinux and an improved gfxboot theme on the live system. KDE-based ISO images can now make use of Partition Manager instead of GParted. As usual, a large number of individual functionality enhancements and bug fixes have been applied to the full package line-up.”
Avand in vedere ca vorbim de o distributie bazata pe Debian, puteti fii siguri ca aceasta pastreaza traditia stabilitatii si eficientei pe care Debian o are, sub doua medii de lucru KDE si minimalistul XFCE.
Spor la instalat sau upgradat sa aveti !

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