Mai putin cunoscuta pe “meleagurile” noastre romanesti, distributia linux Salix OS, ofera incepand de astazi o noua versiune utilizatorilor sai, mai precis cei de KDE si anume Salix OS 13.1.2 KDE. Asa cum v-am relatat intr-un articol anterior Salix ofera trei metode de instalare Full, Basic si Core; astfel ca aveti de unde alege in caz ca sunteti mai sceptici.
George Vlahavas, despre Salix OS 13.1.2 KDE: “The Salix team is proud to announce the very first official release of Salix KDE edition. A collection of three KDE CD images are immediately available to our users, including 32-bit and 64-bit installation images as well as a live image that can be burned to a CD or used with a USB drive. Salix KDE includes the elegant KDE 4.4.3 accompanied by a very rich collection of KDE-centric software, all in the size of a CD image. The Konqueror web browser, KMail and KTorrent are the main networking applications included in this release, followed by Akregator, an RSS reader for KDE, Kopete, the KDE instant messenger and more. Wicd is used for setting up your wired or wireless networking connections.” Daca sunteti fani KDE si doriti o distributie linux cu un background bun atunci Salix este alegerea cea mai potrivita.
Daca doriti sa aflati mai multe despre aceasta versiune si implicit sa descarcati aceasta distributie linux, link de download aveti in cadrul acestei pagini. Testare placuta sa aveti ! :)