Peppermint OS Ice-10012010

Vesti bune pentru fanii tehnologiei de tip “cloud”, a aparut Peppermint OS Ice-10012010. Peppermint OS este o distributie linux adresata incepatorilor si asa cum am spus si in trecut este bazata pe Ubuntu folosind tehnologile existente de cloud computing.
Shane Remington despre Peppermint OS Ice-10012010: “We are proud to announce the release of Peppermint OS Ice-10012010, the first respin of our ‘Ice’ release. It offers a fully updated system as of October 1st, 2010 and comes with a number of bug fixes, some new features, and some other miscellaneous goodies. The default Linux kernel has been updated to version 2.6.35. In an effort to continually try to offer the best possible hardware support, we felt this was a good move for the Ice release. A number of lower-level updates, such as Grep 2.7.0, Samba 3.5.5, File 5.04, FreeType 2.4.2 and others have been implemented in order to offer a more up-to-date system while remaining on the Ubuntu LTS code base.”
Daca o astfel de distributie linux va pasioneaza atunci puteti obtine o copie a sistemului de operare de la acest link. Bafta maxima va doresc :)

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