Incet dar sigur PC-BSD, aceasta distributie unix pentru incepatori, incepe sa isi faca simtita prezenta(parere personala desigur). De vreme ce principalele distributii linux pentru incepatori au scos versiuni noi se pare ca si distributiile unix pentru incepatori au adus ceva nou (vara distributiilor unix/linux s-ar putea zice).
“The PC-BSD Team is pleased to announce the availability of PC-BSD 8.1 (Hubble Edition), running FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE and KDE 4.4.5. Version 8.1 contains a number of enhancements and improvements. For a full list of changes, please refer to the changelog. Some of the notable changes are: FreeBSD 8.1-Release; KDE 4.4.5; Numerous fixes to the installation backend; Support for creating dedicated disk GPT partitioning; Improved ZFS support; Bugfixes to desktop tools/utilities. Recommended system requirements: Pentium 4 or higher; 512MB of RAM; 20GB of free hard drive space (either partition, or entire disk)….”
Din punctul meu de vedere daca ar fi sa incerc vreo apropiere catre distributiile unix cu siguranta as alege PC BSD (fan kde in primul rand). Pana la acel moment nu-mi ramane decat sa va ofer un link de download si sa va doresc spor la download, instalare sau upgrade :)