Parted Magic 6.4

Avand in vedere ca avem in mod oficial kernel versiunea 3.0, unele distributii linux au inceput sa il foloseasca. Astazi va prezint Parted Magic 6.4; Patrick Verner despre aceasta noua versiune: “Parted Magic 6.4. Lots of updates, bug fixes and new features. Parted Magic’s kernel is updated to 3.0 and SMP support was removed from the i486 kernel. Some people were having issues with the nouveau X.Org driver, so an option was added to the failsafe menu to revert back to the nv driver. If you add ‘clonezilla’ to the kernel command line at boot time, you are brought directly into Clonezilla. There are some major improvements in handling of Radeon and Mobile4 video cards. Some major updates on popular core programs as well. Firefox was updated to 5.0, Clonezilla to 1.2.9-19, and GParted to 0.9.0.” Pentru a obtine o copie a acestei unelte accesati aceasta pagina si descarcati imaginea iso in functie de arhitectura dorita, anume pentru 32 de biti sau pentru 64 de biti. Utilizare placuta ! :)

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