O noua versiune a utilitarului de intretinere si testare a PC-ului a aparut, Parted Magic 5.6. Indiferent ca e vorba de partitionare sau de testare a capacitatii de stres a PC-ului propriu consider ca Parted Magic este o alternativa destul de buna fata de produsele comerciale.
Iata ce aduce noua Parted Magic 5.6, Patrick Verner: “Parted Magic 5.6 includes some new features as well as bug fixes. The Nouveau X.Org driver was added and can be activated from the Fail Safe Menu at the first boot screen. Systester was also added. A default root password (partedmagic) has been added to make using SSH easier. The following programs have been updated: Linux kernel, GParted 0.6.4, gDisk 0.6.11, hdparm 9.33, stress 1.0.4, UNetbootin 490, NTFS-3G 2010.10.2, BusyBox-1.17.3 and udev 163.”
Pentru a descarca Parted Magic 5.6 acest link va sta la dispozitie.