Parted Magic 5.2

Singurul suport gratuit de editare a partitiilor, care pe deasupra mai este si mediu live, ofera acum o noua versiune. Fiind un mediu live zic eu ca un cd are oricine incat sa il poata folosi, adresat atat incepatorilor cat si avansatilor.
Iata ce aduce nou aceasta versiune:
“Parted Magic 5.2 updates GParted to 0.6.2, fixes some bugs, and improves international language support. The new GParted re-enables MiB partition alignment option and fixes the problem with logical partition move overwriting the EBR. A mess of bugs have been fixed with the help of Dick Burggraaff (burdi01), Jason Vasquez, and most of all, users willing to take the time to report them and help us test. Asian language support has been greatly improved with the addition of SCIM and GCIN. GCIN is automatically started when Taiwanese is selected at the boot menu and SCIM is automatically started when Japanese or Chinese is selected at the boot menu.”
Pentru aceeia dintre voi care folosesc pentru prima data Parted Magic, wiki-ul va sta la dispozitie. Pentru a obtine aceata versiune a programului accesati acest link. Download placut si la cat mai putine probleme detectate de acest program :)

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