Parted Magic 2012_06_26

Ora zece a venit si articolul l-am distribuit :) Asa cum si titlul o spune este vorba de Parted Magic versiunea 2012_06_26, o distributie linux live creata de Patrick Verner.

Schimbarile notabile din cadrul acestei versiuni sunt subliniate de creator astfel: “Parted Magic 2012_06_26. Lots of little changes and some new programs added. The most noticeable additions are Samba and the proprietary binary video driver from NVIDIA. The NVIDIA driver doesn’t come pre-installed, but it is available as a ready-to-go module. Make sure you grab the drivers that match the kernel in the version of Parted Magic that you are currently running. You must also disable the nouveau driver from the Fail Safe menu. The panel has been almost completely reworked. Clonezilla and our famous ‘Erase Disk’ program have been added to the desktop. ARandR replaces LXRandR.” Pentru a descarca Parted Magic 2012_06_26 accesati aceasta legatura si descarcati imaginea ISO corespunzatoare calculatorului vostru.

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