Daca openSUSE 12.1 a aterizat cu putin timp inainte de sarbatorile de iarna fiind un fel de cadou de Craciun pentru fani, se poate considera ca openSUSE 12.1 “Edu Li-f-e” este un cadou dat de dezvoltatorii acestei versiunii pentru Anul Nou sau pentru aceeia cu numele de Vasile. Jigish Gohil despre aceasta noua versiune: “openSUSE Education team is proud to present another version of openSUSE – Edu Li-f-e (Linux for Education) based on openSUSE 12.1. Li-f-e comes loaded with everything that students, parents, teachers and system administrators of educational institutions may need. Software for mathematics, chemistry, astronomy and servers, like KIWI-LTSP, Fedena school ERP, Moodle course management, full multimedia, graphics, office suite, many popular programming languages, including AMP stack, Java, C, C++, Python and Ruby, latest stable GNOME and KDE desktop environments are all packed in this release. To know more about openSUSE Education project, file bugs, request enhancements, participate, or to get in touch with us visit the education portal.”
Asa cum si numele produsului o spune, aceasta distributie linux este adresata mediului educational. Pentru cei interesati a testa acest sistem de operare, puteti obtine o copie fie de pe site-ul gazduit de cei de la Sourceforge sau de pe portalul dedicat acestei versiuni.