In articolul anterior v-am relatat despre aparitia versiunii 10 a browserului Mozilla Firefox si la cateva minute apoi am postat link-ul pe profilele de socializare ale blogului pentru a obtine feedback. Unul dintre apropiatii mei, Sidro, m-a intrebat daca am auzit ceva despre versiunea “enterprise” a browserului dedicata mai mult organizatiilor sau institutiilor publice; raspunsul meu a fost unul negativ din pacate. Cu toate acestea am apelat la Google pentru a vedea daca gasesc ceva si spre uimirea pot spune ca aceasta versiune exista.
The Mozilla Enterprise User Working Group is where enterprise developers, IT staff, Firefox and Thunderbird developers can discuss the challenges, ideas and best practices for deploying Firefox and Thunderbird in the enterprise. The group will meet monthly via phone and continue conversations on the discussion list as well as at an annual forum. This wiki can be used for sharing common config info, tips, references that are useful for enterprise environments. Navigand printre paginile oferite de Google am dat peste un articol tot de pe Portalul wiki al celor de la Mozilla care afirma urmatoarele: Mozilla will offer an Extended Support Release (ESR) based on an official release of Desktop Firefox. Releases will be initially maintained for nine release cycles (currently 54 weeks, which is close to the target of 52 weeks the proposal is attempting to hit), with point releases coinciding with regular Firefox releases… Firefox 10 will be the base version for the initial ESR and, assuming this is the case, Firefox 3.6 will be end-of-lifed on April 24th, 2012 (when Firefox 3.6 is end-of-lifed, an update to the current version of Desktop Firefox will be offered through the Application Update Service).
Astfel fara sa ma mai intind prea mult va aduc la cunostiinta faptul ca versiunea 10 este disponibila sub doua forme: prima cea relatata de mine in articolul anterior si cea de doua dedicata organizatiilor pe care o puteti obtine din cadrul acestei pagini, sectiunea “Where can I download Mozilla Firefox ESR?”.