GParted LiveCD 0.9.0-6

Se pare ca in aceasta saptamana multe programe si componente de lucru au avoluat, oferind utilizatorilor versiuni noi. Astazi mai adaug pe lista si GParted LiveCD, versiunea 0.9.0-6, unul dintre cele mai bune programe gratuite de management al partitiilor si preferatul meu de altfel :) Steven Shiau, despre aceasta versiune: “This is GParted Live 0.9.0-6. New in this release: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian ‘Sid’ repository (as of 2011-07-23); new GParted 0.9.0; Parted was rolled back to 0.2.3-7 with the patch file fix-head-size-assertion.patch from Ubuntu; Linux kernel 2.6.39-3 is used; xz compression instead of gzip method was used when making Squashfs and initrd, therefore the GParted Live ISO image and ZIP file are smaller by about 24 MB.” Pentru aceeia dintre voi care nu au folosit aceasta “unealta”, o pot descarca din cadrul acestei pagini; ca si sfat, atunci cand lucrati cu partitiile este bine sa faceti si backup la datele de pe ele. Management placut al partitiilor va doresc !

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