GhostBSD 2.0

Incepatorii din lumea distributiilor BDS au incepand de astazi GhostBSD 2.0. Detalii despre aceasta distributie gasiti folosit optiunea de search din blog. Schimbarile din GhostBSD 2.0 sunt urmatoarele: “GhostBSD 2.0 is released. Great news for this release of GhostBSD as it now supports auto-mounting USB devices. Some of the changes in the release: new logo, bug fixes, new live file system, more improvements to GDM (no more white screens during boot). GhostBSD 2.0 is based on FreeBSD 8.2; it includes GNOME 2.32, Rhythmbox 0.12.8_3, Pidgin 2.7.7, Firefox 3.6 and Thunderbird 3.0.11. GhostBSD 2.0 can be installed to hard disk with a simple terminal installer written in Python. You can now also install and delete application with a package manager call Bxpkg.”…John Combs
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