Distributii linux pentru configuratii mai vechi

Vesti bune pentru aceia dintre voi care nu doresc sa renunte la vechile calculatoare, ale caror performante sunt… jalnice cand e vorba de medii de lucru precum KDE sau Gnome. Unele distributii linux vin la pachet cu cateva medii de lucru pe acelasi dvd (cazul open suse) sau in cazul altora sunt dezvoltate separat.

Prima distributie linux care a facut un astfel de demers a fost Linux Mint prin mediul LXDE. “The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 9 LXDE. Based on Lubuntu 10.04, Linux kernel 2.6.32, Openbox 3.4.10, LXSession 0.4.3, and X.Org Server 1.7.5, Linux Mint 9 LXDE features a complete desktop computing experience while being easy on system resource usage thus making it suitable for older hardware and situations where speed is a crucial factor. Featured improvements in this release: LXDM, improved PCManFM2 file manager, VLC installed by default, 30,000 applications catalogued and reviewable both online and in the new software manager, brand new incremental backup tool for both data and software selection, three years support.” . Pentru aceia dintre voi care doresc sa incerce aceasta distributie linux, acest link va sta la dispozitie.

Cea de-a doua distributie linux este Sabayon ce s-a orientat catre mediile de lucru LXDE si Xfce. “Our crew is happy to announce the immediate availability of Xfce, LXDE and SpinBase/OpenVZ Sabayon 5.3 spins built on top of Sabayon SpinBase ISO images. Under the ‘extra spins’ umbrella, the Sabayon developers are going to experiment with new stable releases with different package compositions. Consider these extra spins an appetizer of what you will get in the upcoming months: more spins are planned and more external contributions will be accepted. Just like the other regular Sabayon releases, these extra spins are also built daily by our build servers and available in our mirrors inside the ‘iso/daily’ directory.” Pentru aceia dintre voi care doresc sa incerce aceasta distributie linux sectiunea de download a site-ului distributiei va poate fi de folos.

In opinia mea faptul ca distributiile linux incep sa incorporeze si medii de lucru cu consum redus de RAM si CPU indica dorinta de ai sustine si pe utilizatori care din anumite motive au PC-uri cu configuratie mai slaba.

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