Ho…ho…ho… ne spune micul crustaceu Aptosid, care ne coloreaza si mai mult Sarbatorile de Iarna cu noua sa versiune 2010-03. Ce ne aduce noua aceasta versiune aflam de la Stefan Lippers-Hollmann: “Now that kernel has entered the archive with many KMS-related bug fixes, we have the pleasure to announce the immediate availability of the final aptosid 2010-03 ‘Apate’ release. New features are in particular kernel and numerous integration and stabilization fixes after the rename. Kernel doesn’t only improve and stabilise hardware support for newer devices, it also features improved KMS support for ATI Radeon and Intel graphics cards and performance improvements for Intel Westmere graphics chipsets. WLAN support has been consolidated, with rt2x00 now supporting Ralink rt28x0/ rt30xx/ rt35xx officially.”. Mai multe detalii despre aceste schimbari aveti aici
Pentru fanii Debian, aceasta distributie foloseste partea numita Debian’s unstable, dar din surse sigure stiu ca este cat se poate de stabila distributia. Daca va atrage aceasta distributie sau pur si simplu doriti sa faceti un test drive, puteti obtine o copie a sistemului de operare de la aceasta adresa.